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Kryon's Podcast

 How Old Are You?

How Old Are You?

"You're not here as a test of your soul. You didn't come to Earth to suffer!"

 The Human Woe

The Human Woe

"Ego will be your worst enemy."

 The Light Is Being Turned On

The Light Is Being Turned On

"There are things now for you that will expand, that are greater, that will amplify everything that you've learned."

 The Connection To Animals

The Connection To Animals

"When you have an experience that then leads you to another action, or may even force you to another action, it becomes a catalyst."

 The Invitation To Reach Your Higher Level

The Invitation To Reach Your Higher Level

"The bigger truth is a vision of a world at peace for their children and their children's children."

 The Attribute Of The Soul

The Attribute Of The Soul

"Dark consciousness on this planet wants you to be frightened and return to the lower consciousness of the past."

 The Energy

The Energy

"Where you realize what your consciousness can do, you'll realize that disease cannot survive in an enlightened body.

 The Esoteric History

The Esoteric History

"You simply can't predict a future where the only thing to compare it to is a past that you are moving away from."

 The Light Will Reveal Everything

The Light Will Reveal Everything

"What's going to happen when you die? The answer old soul, is the same thing that happened every time you died before."

 The Rules Of Life

The Rules Of Life

"Fear and darkness cannot exist where there is light."

 The Influences Of Love

The Influences Of Love

"Worry is energy. Worry is the energy of the intellect without love."

 It's A Time Of Enhanced Reality

It's A Time Of Enhanced Reality

"There is a consciousness evolution now on the planet."

 There Are Inventions Coming

There Are Inventions Coming

"The vibration of the Human voice is a powerful healing force that stimulates our entire physical system. Toning can awaken and deepen your sense of self."

 Opening Your Inner Door

Opening Your Inner Door

"I accept the compassion and the beauty in my past and cancel out the drama and inappropriate emotional thoughts."

 Come A Little Closer

Come A Little Closer

"It's always a good day on the other side."

 Steps To Activate 5D Frequencies

Steps To Activate 5D Frequencies

"Perfect synchronicity belongs to me and I trust the inner workings of the Creator. I expect miracles in my life."

 You're Entering A Phase Of Humanity

You're Entering A Phase Of Humanity

"Human Beings cannot live in the past, spiritually. If God is really God, then God is alive as the Creator, as the I AM, not the I WAS! The I AM means a present God, not a past one. It represents a God with current, beautiful, love information."

 The Great Shift

The Great Shift

"There is no judgment with God. The God who created you out of love, placed a piece of itself into you called a Soul - and loves this Soul as itself."

 What Is Your Life About

What Is Your Life About

"If you profoundly change something in the circle of time, you rewrite the future."

 Talking To DNA

Talking To DNA

"Some of you will walk into the forest and feel it. It surrounds you with its love and beauty. Gaia speaks to you."

 The Teaching Wheel

The Teaching Wheel

"Love compassion are the elements of God."

 The Human Merkabah

The Human Merkabah

"Every single time you open your heart to speak to Spirit, We are here."

 Things Are Going To Change

Things Are Going To Change

"Not all those who wander are lost."

 They Are Always Listening To You

They Are Always Listening To You

"There is an entourage around you, which comes from the Creative Source. It's here because your Soul has a piece of God in it."

 Falling In Love With Yourself

Falling In Love With Yourself

"LOVE is the most powerful force in the entire Universe. It is the glue that will bond our belief together, instead of the doctrine that does it for the other systems. Love is not being recognized for its power, and it is not being used by us correctly."

 The Answer

The Answer

"I am reminded of the differences of what is today as opposed to ten years ago. And, that difference is empowerment."

 Don't Despair

Don't Despair

"Insanity as art ... This is the romantic period. Death is about theme, mood, motif and emotional aesthetic. Poe equates death with beauty. Poe believed art was about beauty and nothing is more beautiful than the death of a beautiful woman."

 The Rocks Were Alive

The Rocks Were Alive

"Human, you contain old habits and this is nothing to be ashamed of or be guilty about."

 The Light Is Turned On

The Light Is Turned On

"Dear cellular structure, I'm in charge. The boss is talking. Listen up: I command you to see the beauty and the benevolence and the God inside of every cell in my body. I command you to be more resistant to disease than I have ever been before. You see, disease cannot attach itself to the light, and I hold more light than ever before."

 The Victory Of The Light Is Close

The Victory Of The Light Is Close

"The new energy has light that will expose the darkness of things that are not commensurate with integrity."

 The Divinity Of Humanity

The Divinity Of Humanity

"We've told you before that this is a time where there can be "no more fence sitting". You cannot claim to be a Lightworker, a compassionate person and then not be compassionate to humanity."

 The Brick Wall Of Belief

The Brick Wall Of Belief

"There's a pipeline to you, directly from Spirit. The only thing that keeps you from using it is your belief."

 The Power Of Pure Intent

The Power Of Pure Intent

"There's no greater power in the Universe than human intent and love."

 Now...It Is Your Time

Now...It Is Your Time

"The Lightworker is one who strikes the light and walks up those lighthouse stairs when the storm approaches."

 Belief Systems

Belief Systems

"On my side of the veil, you don’t see death the way you do on yours. It's a cycle, a transition and an appropriate way of creating energy."



"Your compassionate action is instantly to see it, and say a prayer, "Dear Spirit, send her love!"

 Finding The New Station

Finding The New Station

"You hold the light for the planet."

 Out Of Belief

Out Of Belief

"There are a multitude of us, with our hands outstretched beckoning you to find the rest of you."

 A Part Of Physics

A Part Of Physics

"Let's focus our attention on the collective consciousness."



"Light is winning."

 The Work Of A Lightworker

The Work Of A Lightworker

"When you change your DNA, you're working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth."

 The Energy Of Kryon

The Energy Of Kryon

"There's a light starting to shine and you're moving toward it, and the light is called worthiness."



"Historians may eventually report that when they do all the accounting for what really happened, that fear killed more people than the virus."

 The Beauty Of Who You Are

The Beauty Of Who You Are

"Today a new energy is developing that is for you, Old Soul."

 You Are Moving Into A Greater Efficiency

You Are Moving Into A Greater Efficiency

"Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission."

 Your Fears

Your Fears

"We are going to step out of the four-dimensional existence that you say is your reality and in that we step into a multi-dimensional place that goes beyond what you think is real."

 The Letter G

The Letter G

"When you complete yourself with compassion, it is therefore the compassionate attribute of your mind and what you do with it day by day which is changing the very future."

 The Spiritual Complement

The Spiritual Complement

"The biggest message I ever had to any of you has been that the Consciousness on the planet is shifting."

 The Future You

The Future You

"You are the ones who will change the planet."

 The Most Uplifting Stories

The Most Uplifting Stories

"Everything that you can imagine that is God is bigger than you can imagine!"

 Talking To The Innate

Talking To The Innate

"Blessed is the Human Being who feels they are part of this compassionate change of the future."

 The Blueprint Of Dna

The Blueprint Of Dna

"Be open to things you don't expect. Look at every door of the future as a benevolent door."

 Unexpected Change

Unexpected Change

"Expect benevolent change and develop the intuition to work with it."

 The Image Of God

The Image Of God

"The Akash is ready to be altered to match the purpose of your current life."

 Unlock Your Authentic Self

Unlock Your Authentic Self

"Disengage from the drama. When you do, you're going to find that you're going to live longer, light is going to come in, and you're going to laugh more."

 It's Time To Realize Where You Belong To

It's Time To Realize Where You Belong To

"Dear ones, when you awaken and peel the onion of old rules and old reality, you'll see the amazing power you have inside."

 The Cycles

The Cycles

"I think of my life as a kind of music, not always good music but still having form and melody."

 It's Time To Redefine Who You Are

It's Time To Redefine Who You Are

"There will come a time, literally, when you can say, “The sun has come out; light has won."

 Your Own Enlightenment

Your Own Enlightenment

"The more you can love yourself, the more answers you'll receive."

 Hold The Light

Hold The Light

"Planning is like "pointing yourself" in the direction of a target ... no more than that. Let your power then redefine the target, and re-point you in the correct direction."

 The Magnificence Of The Human Being

The Magnificence Of The Human Being

"I trust the power I have with Innate to bring synchronicity into my life. I trust innate to create an abundant flow of sufficiency as it has before."

 The Balance In You

The Balance In You

"No matter what is happening around you. First take care of yourself. When you are balanced, all things will be gradually added to your life, and the changes you have asked for will occur."

 Connect To Gaia

Connect To Gaia

"Gaia Speaks to You: Some of you will walk into the forest and you'll feel it. It surrounds you with its love and beauty. This is how Gaia speaks to you."

 Awakening Your True-Self

Awakening Your True-Self

"Your Higher-Self knows it all! This is the prophet you are now following. This is the new wisdom - the compassion of the Higher-Self."

 Honors Your Magnificence

Honors Your Magnificence

"When you start to build self-worth and redeem your magnificence, the fears go away... you void your fears via your realization of your own self-worth."

 The Elevator Is Waiting

The Elevator Is Waiting

"You have chosen to be the Warriors of the Light. You are the ones that make the difference and create the change."

 No More Obstacles

No More Obstacles

"And with free choice you either awaken or not to a grander truth."

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